ColorBox is a Java application for editing and selecting colors.
- A comprehensive color library of 140 standard HTML colors .
- Controls to modify the colors by either adjusting the intensity of the individual components of the color, or of the color as a whole.
- A real time color display, which shows the components of the color in any of the following formats
- Hexadecimal string : The popular #XXXXXX format used in HTML and JavaScript. Can be pasted directly into source html.
- RGB decimal integers : used in applications like Windows™ Paint.
- Plain decimal : may be used in Java Programs
- RGB triple floating point ratio : used in VRML
- Set the number of decimal places to round off the triple ratios.
- Generate random colors. (only if called for!)
- Checks if a user defined or random color is already defined in the library.
- Unzip the file.
- Color Box is distributed as an Executable Jar File. Click on ‘ColorBox.jar’ to run.
- If this doesn’t work, change to the installed folder and type “java -jar ColorBox.jar”, from a command line.
Mohan Noone